Rock solid proxies.
Simple pricing.

The industry's lowest pricing on Pay As You Go or
commit to a monthly minimum spend to lock in further savings.

Show pricing:



Per month

Per hour

Per minute

All the features you need

Battle-tested infrastructure

Per-minute billing

Lowest pricing in the industry

Simple dashboard & API

Invite team members

Unlimited bandwidth options

Advanced session control

Flexible payment options

Comprehensive usage reporting


Per month

Per hour

Per minute

No commitment
Start free trial
Start free trial
Start free trial
Shared Datacenter Network
GB rate
Simultaneous connection rate
Reserved Datacenter Network
IP rate
GB rate
Simultaneous connection rate
IP exclusivity rate, per domain
IP exclusivity rate, all domains
Reserved IP refresh
Mobile Network
GB rate
Simultaneous connection rate
Knowledge base
API documentation
Onboarding and Integration
Simple integration with API
Create and manage sub-users

Looking for a custom plan?

Unlimited scale

Custom price per GB or simultaneous connection

Wire transfer payment available with custom invoicing

Unlimited team members

“Bytio was half the cost of our previous provider. So easy to get set up and has all the features we need!”

Chris Thomas
Founder & CEO, Takealytics

Frequently asked questions.

Can I test your service for free?

Absolutely! We offer a free trial with $ free trial credit for days to allow you to test Bytio risk-free - no payment required. You can use all Bytio services within the free trial.

Do you have a KYC process?

We, alongside all responsible proxy platforms, employ a Know Your Customer (KYC) process to keep Bytio free from abuse. KYC completion, which takes around 2 minutes, is required after you first top up your account, or first subscribe to a monthly plan, and must be completed within days. It is not required for the free trial. Please see our KYC Policy for more information.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal via Stripe.
We also accept cryptocurrencies via Coinbase Commerce for manual account balance Top Ups (but not monthly plan payments or Auto Top-Ups).

Is there a minimum contract?

No. You can choose to use Bytio on a Pay As You Go basis, topping up your account balance (which does not expire) as-required. We also offer monthly plans with a minimum monthly spend requirement for even greater savings.

How do I upgrade/downgrade/cancel?

If you choose to subscribe to a monthly plan you can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time. Downgrades and cancellations are processed at the end of your billing cycle (the calendar month).

If you do not wish to subscribe to a monthly plan you can use Bytio on a Pay As You Go basis with no monthly minimum spend requirement.

$ free trial credit for days.

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“Bytio has become our preferred proxy service. It's low cost and we were up and running in minutes.”
Aarav Sharma 
DevOps Engineer