Terms of Use.

Bytio Limited Cookie Policy

Last Updated:  8th August 2023

These Terms of Service govern your use of the "Site" located at www.bytio.com and any related services provided by Bytio Limited. Bytio Limited has developed, owns and offers a Service which enables browsing the internet by redirecting users’ communication through datacenter, residential, ISP and mobile IP address (the System and the Service(s) – please see detailed Service description in Service Level Agreement). This is available for commercial use under this agreement.

By accessing the Site, System or Service  "You" agree to abide by these Terms of Service and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree with these Terms of Service, "You" are prohibited from using or accessing the Site, System or Service or using any other services provided by Bytio Limited.

These Terms of Use, constitute legally binding agreement between You, as the User of the Bytio Services, and Bytio Limited (may refer to “We”, “Our”, “Ours” or “Us” in the Terms of Use). If a conflict arises between these Terms of Use or contract made in written between "You" and Us, provisions of such contract made in written shall prevail.

We, Bytio Limited, reserve the right to review and amend any of these Terms of Service at our sole discretion. Upon doing so, we will update this page. Any changes to these Terms of Service will take effect immediately from the date of publication.

Please read this Terms of Use carefully as far as it will regulate relations between You and Us in the course of Your use of this Site, System or Services. By using this Site, System or Services You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions stated herein. You claim and warrant that You have full legal authority to enter these Terms of Use and to be legally bound by it and that You achieved the age of legal majority under the laws or regulations in Your jurisdiction.

To learn more about the collection, storage and transfer of the User’s Personal Data, please read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

You are solely responsible for all activity in connection with access to the Site, System or Services through Your account or using Your password, and for the security of Your computer systems, and in no event shall We be liable for any loss or damages relating to such activity.

Limitations of Use

By using this Site, System or Service, You,  on behalf of yourself, your users, and other parties,  represent and warrant that you will not use the System or Service to:

  • modify, copy, prepare derivative works of, decompile, or reverse engineer any materials and software contained on our Site, System or Services;
  • remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from any materials and software on our Site, System or Services;
  • knowingly or negligently abuse or disrupt our networks or any other service We provide;
  • transmit or publish any harassing, indecent, obscene, fraudulent, or unlawful material;
  • violate any applicable laws or regulations;
  • use our Site, System or Services in conjunction with sending unauthorised advertising or spam;
  • harvest, collect, or gather user data without the user’s consent; or use this Site, System or Services in such a way that may infringe the privacy, intellectual property rights, or other rights of third parties.
  • act in violation of applicable law or regulations or any third-party rights (including intellectual property rights), or for governmental purposes.
  • distribute cracking, warez, ROM, virus, adware, worms, trojan horses, malware, spyware or any other similar malicious activities and products or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, hijack, destroy, limit or adversely affect the functionality of any computer software, hardware, network or telecommunications equipment;
  • cause any network resource to be unavailable to its intended users, including, without limitation, via “Denial-of-Service (DoS)” or “Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)” attack;
  • distribute any unlawful content or encourage any unlawful activity;
  • cause any damage or service disruption to any third party computers or service;
  • collect nonpublic information (data behind login screens);
  • engage in the creation of fake social media accounts;
  • engage in activities related to gambling, raffles, or lotteries;
  • reselling of Bytio  proxies without prior approval;
  • engage in trading of cryptocurrencies or NFTs;
  • engage in SEO manipulation through fake clicks;
  • post on classified ads sites such as Craigslist;
  • complete surveys in exchange for benefits;
  • engage in impersonation for fraudulent purposes;

Bytio proactively blocks certain web content (i.e: Adult content, Governmental websites, Harmful domains, etc.), as determined by Bytio in its sole and exclusive discretion. Bytio reserves the right to add or retract, at any time and at its sole discretion, any web content blocking.

By completing the registration procedure on the Site, System or Services, You agree to use the Site, System or Services in accordance with these Terms of Use. You agree to provide Us with the accurate and complete registration information. You hereby represent and warrant to Bytio Limited. that you are not:

  1. in violation of any Anti-Terrorism Law (defined herein below);
  2. conducting any business or engaging in any transaction or dealing with any Prohibited Person (defined herein below), including, without limitation, the making or receiving of any contribution of funds, goods or services to or for the benefit of any Prohibited Person;
  3. dealing in, or otherwise engaging in any transaction relating to, any property or interest in property blocked pursuant to Executive Order No.13224;
  4. engaging in or conspiring to engage in any transaction that evades or avoids, or has the purpose of evading or avoiding, or attempts to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in any Anti-Terrorism Law; or
  5. a Prohibited Person, nor are any of its partners, members, managers, officers or directors a Prohibited Person. As used herein, “Anti-Terrorism Law” is defined as any law relating to terrorism, anti-terrorism, money laundering or anti-money laundering activities, including, without limitation, Executive Order No.13224 and Title3 of the USA Patriot Act.

    As used herein “Executive Order No.13224” is defined as Executive Order No.13224 on Terrorist Financing effective September24, 2001, and relating to “Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, or Support Terrorism.” “Prohibited Person” is defined as:
    (a) a person or entity that is listed in the Annex to Executive Order 13224;
    (b) a person or entity with whom You or Bytio Limited. is prohibited from dealing or otherwise engaging in any transaction by any Anti-Terrorism Law; or
    (c) a person or entity that is named as a “specially designated national and blocked person” on the most current list published by the U.S.Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control at its official website, and the list published by the UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation at its official website, or at any replacement website or other official publication of such lists. “USA Patriot Act” is defined as the “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001” (Public Law 107-56). The failure to provide accurate information may affect Your use of the Services.
Right to Inspect and Suspend Services

We have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor Your use of the System and Service for billing purposes and to prevent for misuse or network abuse. We may share the User’s relevant information with any authority in case of a complaint or a lawsuit, if We determine that it is necessary to comply with law, regulation, subpoena or court order.

We, at our sole discretion and at any time, may suspend Your right to access or use the Site, System or Services immediately upon notice to You, if the We determine that:

  • Your use of the Site, System or Services poses a security risk to the Site, System or Services or any third party,
  • Your use of the Site, System or Services may adversely impact the Site, System or Services or any other Bytio customer, including by way of causing a another customer to be blocked from certain websites, networks or services.
  • Your use of the Site, System or Services may subject the Us, our affiliates, or any third party to liability, or is in breach under any applicable laws or regulations.
  • Your use of the Site, System or Services may be fraudulent, or may disparage or devalue Our reputation or goodwill.
  • You are in breach of this Agreement, including if You is delinquent on payment obligations.
  • You have failed to comply with providing true and accurate information requested by Us during the registration process or during periodical Know Your Customer (KYC) requests. For more information please view our Know Your Customer (KYC) Policy.
Restricted Countries

As a company based in the UK we are subject to UK government sanctions and export controls on specific countries and/or regions. These regulations prevent us from offering our services in certain regions.

You can view the current list of Restricted Countries in the Docs.

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property in the materials contained in our Site, System or Services are owned by or licensed to Bytio Limited and are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. We grant our users permission to download one copy of the materials for personal, non-commercial transitory use.

This constitutes the grant of a licence, not a transfer of title. This licence shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions or the Terms of Service, and may be terminated by Bytio Limited at any time.


Our website and the materials on our Site, System and Service are provided on an 'as is' basis. To the extent permitted by law, Bytio Limited makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property, or other violation of rights.

Bytio Limited does not make any statements or give any warranties about the results obtained by using the Site, System or Services, the specific functions of the Site, System or Services or it’s reliability, availability, accuracy or ability to meet your needs. we do not warrant that access to the Site, System or Services will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects in the Site, System or Services  will be corrected. some jurisdictions provide for certain warranties, like the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. to the fullest extent permitted by law, we exclude all such warranties.

In no event shall Bytio Limited or its suppliers be liable for any consequential loss suffered or incurred by you or any third party arising from the use or inability to use the Site, System or Services or the materials on the Site, System or Services, even if Bytio Limited or an authorised representative has been notified, orally or in writing, of the possibility of such damage.

In the context of this agreement, "consequential loss" includes any consequential loss, indirect loss, real or anticipated loss of profit, loss of benefit, loss of revenue, loss of business, loss of goodwill, loss of opportunity, loss of savings, loss of reputation, loss of use and/or loss or corruption of data, whether under statute, contract, equity, tort (including negligence), indemnity or otherwise.

Accuracy of Materials

The materials appearing on our Site, System or Services are not comprehensive and are for general information purposes only. Bytio Limited does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on our Site, System or Services, or otherwise relating to such materials or on any resources linked to by our Site, System or Services.


Bytio Limited has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Site, System or Services and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement, approval or control by Bytio Limited of the Site, System or Services. Use of any such linked site is at your own risk and we strongly advise you make your own investigations with respect to the suitability of those sites.

Right to Terminate

We may suspend or terminate your right to use our Site, System or Services and terminate these Terms of Service immediately upon written notice to you for any breach of these Terms of Service.


Any term of these Terms of Service which is wholly or partially void or unenforceable is severed to the extent that it is void or unenforceable. The validity of the remainder of these Terms of Service is not affected.

Governing Law

These Terms of Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom. You irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that State or location.

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